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Why do some people get more done in the same amount of time?

Free up more time to do the things you want to do.

Time marches relentlessly on.  You cannot stop, capture or save time.  No matter who you are, what you do or what era you come from, there are only 24 hours in a day.  So why do some people get much more done in the same amount of time?  Tips for using time effectively fall into two main rules.  When you develop your own time saving tips under each of these rules will you start fitting more things into your day.  The two rules are: “Do more than one thing at a time” and “Use downtime effectively”.  Here are some of the ways you can put these rules into action.
Rule 1 - Do more than one thing at a time
Talk on the Telephone while doing Mundane Chores.  Hands free telephony can be achieved by mobile phones with ear pieces or land lines with head sets.  While talking on the phone, chores such as hanging or folding the washing, sorting your cupboards, washing the dishes or mopping the floor can be completed.  As these mundane chores require little concentration, you will be able to give the telephone conversation your full attention.  Time is saved by doing two things at once.  You have caught up with your telephone conversations and finished the chores all at the same time.
Make the Lunches while Cooking Dinner.  For health and finance reasons, many of us take a homemade lunch to work or school.  Save time and energy by preparing both meals at the same time.  It seems a waste of energy to clean up the dinner dishes then start making a new mess to prepare the lunches for the next day.  For instance, some of the ingredients may be the same for both meals, so handle each ingredient only once.  You save time by creating only one preparation and one clean up time for two meals.
Rule 2 - Use Downtime Effectively
Tidy your House while you are waiting for your Ride.  Chances are that while you were getting ready for that special occasion, you have made a mess in your house.  If you are waiting for a ride from somebody else, make good use of the time by tidying up your bedroom.  Hang up clothes, put shoes away and fold tops and jumpers.  Make your bed and if there is time, tidy the bathroom as well.  Whether your wait is long, or just a moment, you have used your downtime effectively, thus saving time in the future when the clean up inevitably has to occur.
Do Computer and Non-Computer jobs together.  File downloading and uploading, DVD burning, and program installation all take processing time on your computer.  If you continue working on your computer while it’s processing, it slows even more and runs the risk of crashing.  The point is, if you want to stay at your desk, don’t waste time watching the progress bar updating on the screen.  Do jobs that don’t require the computer such as filing, making a phone call, tidying your drawer or even reading a book.  Using this downtime effectively means that you get more completed in less time. 

“Doing more than one thing at a time” and “using downtime effectively” are the two rules to saving time.  Identify the “cracks of time” between the things you do and then find quick and easy essential tasks to fill these cracks.  Remember, efficient people have no more time than you do.  It is only how they use their time that sets them apart.  You may be starting to form some ideas about saving time under these two rules.  The instant these rules are learnt and applied to your own life, you will free up more time to do the things you want to do.